[July Status] Phase II Release

Hi all,

Phase II of Silver Key is out! You can download it at the bottom of this page.

You can read a list of changes here: https://snorv.itch.io/silver-key/devlog/770387/changelog-v02

The focus of this update was to create a workable player to use moving forward. Using the discrete action system discussed last month, I’ve built out new weapons and made the player’s other abilities more modular. This means that seamless transition between actions (ie combos or dodge cancelling) will be simple to set up. There’s also a lock on, which should make combat easier to manage.

Everything lacks polish of course. There’s currently no good way to select which enemy you lock onto. Every player animation needs a few more passes. There are also some camera bugs I haven’t worked out yet. But this base will do for now.

Phase III will focus on blocking out the first level. The dungeon up until now has been a test level, so it’s likely none of it will remain. I’ll talk about how I’m structuring the first level next month.

My target for Phase III is the end of October.

Until then, I would love to know your thoughts, thank you for reading, and see you in August!

Get Silver Key [v.02]

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